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Hints to Get More Comments on Your Blog

Nowadays, blogging is known as the best online marketing tool which you can share your knowledge, tips, expertise, argue points and learn new things. It is a simple way to build a community and start a conversation and get peoples opinion about it.

In other word, blog is a delicate balance of give and take. So a blog of positive engagement between the readers and yourself with comments and contributions creates a lively and exciting community.

In this article, I’m going to tell you some strategies that you can use to boost blog comments.

Tip 1: Let your blog easily found in Search Engine

Ensure that your posts appear in search engine so that more people will be able to find and read your blog. If your blog is good in quality and informative, it will improve the chances of receiving productive user comments.

In addition, you should promote your blog on social media. As soon as you post your articles, do not forget to share them on all your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. Post the blog with any relevant images or videos, as these have the potential to grab more attention among readers in social media circles.

Tip 2: Make sure it’s easy to comment: leave a room for question

To encourage reader interaction, you need to create simple and easy comment formalities. Adding free commenting plugins enables readers to leave comments, which not required to register or log in to comment or by using their Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc account. We recommend you to use Disqu comment system on your blog.

Tip 3: Invite comments and ask for contributions

A blog website is a place to share your knowledge, experiences and instructions, therefore at the end of your blog post, you should encourage readers to share theirs, don’t hesitate to ask for their opinions and feedback, suggest them to leave a comment. Their own advice and tips will add value to your article. It’s like telling someone a story and then saying to them: “Well, how do you think about it?”

Ending with questions or calling an action is an effective way of getting a response from readers. To increase engagement, you had better ask them open-ended questions that are specific and easy to answer. With this type of question, you’re giving reader the opportunity to express themselves, and give a meaningful and complete answer.

Tip 4: Respond to comments

Returning the reader comment shows that you are paying attention and appreciate the time they spent to read your words and write a comment in response. Your reply also helps to build relationships, it allows you to continue the discussion and offer more useful information to readers.

When readers leave a comment on your blog, they will wait for your reply. They are likely to hear back from you, they will be encouraged to continue sharing their thoughts. Your returned comment make readers feel that you are always listening to their opinions and giving value to them.

In case, you receive negative feedback, don’t feel sad or angry. Let be calm and consider the purpose of the criticized options to your post and then respond them with humility. Avoid being rude because everyone has their right to express their point of view.

If someone has found out a mistake in your post, check it again and thank them for showing you the fault. There is no shame owning your mistakes in public. Their comments help you improve yourself so try to make people feel good about their comments.

Tip 5: Award the ‘Commenter of the Month’

Simply replying comments is not enough, you need to make difference to motivate them to write out what they think about your blog by building “Commenter of the Month” reward - an effective way we say thanks to our constructive and creative commenter. This not only encourages further interaction between you and your readers but also helps them feel be appreciated.

You can apply some forms of reward such as: the best comment posted, the best answer for a question posted, or the promising of writing the next article on the most excellent comment. So let search and install a “Top Commenters” plugin on your blog. This will easily show the top commenters for a particular time and motivate people to compete for the prize.

Tip 6: Build community with your replies

If you want to draw people’s comment to your blog, you also need to be a part of other blog communities. Commenting on posts or providing valuable feedback in your own blog and other similar topic blogs in other community is a skill that you should learn which is like doing an advertisement or marketing for your blog. While you comment on other blogs, just leave a link to your site, you will attract and redirect readers and the bloggers to your blog.

You should participate in commenting and read many other blogs. Have a look and care about the comments and replies part, if you find some interesting and good comments, study and follow their style. You also find the way to interact and engage other bloggers by contacting them via email or social network: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google + … You might exchange them the way to reply readers better.

Tip 7: Get Friends and Colleagues Involved

After finishing your post, don’t forget to share it to your friends, colleagues or relatives, invite them to like or share via Social network, also ask them read and write a relevant and simple comment. They will help you to spread your work widely. They are the ones to go first in commenting which break the ice between you and other readers. The more contributions appear in your comment section surely attract the attention from reader, then they might be excited to share and express their thoughts.

Finally, provide a ‘subscribe’ button on your blog so people can follow along. Place it in a convenient position which is easy to see and click.

Your blog will be outstanding thanks to more comments. So let’s dive into this post and figure out how to welcome comments on your blog.

Thanks for sharing!

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