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How to Add Extra Fields in TZ Portfolio in Joomla!

TZ Portfolio is an ideal content management system to fulfill all weaknesses of com_content. And today, we will show you how to add extra fields into an article – a great feature of TZ Portfolio.

Here are some basic steps and note for you to have an article with extra fields.

You can also see the video to see more details.

Step 1. Create Group Fields

To create Group Field, please follow these steps:

1. Firstly, go to Components > TZ Portfolio > Group Fields and click New button.

2. After that, please type Group Name and Description

3. Finally, save the Group Field

Step2. Create Fields

To create Field, please follow these steps:

1. Firstly, go to Components > TZ Portfolio > Fields and click New button.

2. Next, please complete the Name, Field Group, Type and related information and Description

3. And in the end, save the Field. You can create many other fields in each group field.

There are many Field Types for you to choose here. They are:

  • Text Field
  • Textarea
  • Drop-down selection
  • Multi-select list
  • Radio buttons
  • Check box
  • Link

Step 3: Create TZ Portfolio Articles

After creating the Group Field and Fields, now we can use them into the TZ Porfolio Articles.

1. Firstly, please go to Components > TZ Portfolio then click New to create new article

2. Complete the article Title, Category, Media Type, Content and others, please pay attention to Fields Group option and tab Field in the article.

- Assign the article to the Group Field you want to use in tab Fields Group

- In tab Fields of the article, now you can add the information into the Fields

3. Now all you need is to save the article.


To have the Extra Fields appear in the front end, you have to have right configuration at the menu item and the article template.


In the menu item including the category with the article, we need to configure to Show the Extra Fields. You can check the Option Extra Fields in Tab TZ Basic Options in the Menu item including the article.


For the TZ Portfolio Template, please make sure that the template applied for the article or category including the article has the block Extra Field. You can go to Components > TZ Portfolio > Template then choose the template applied to check it.

Step 5: Check your result

At the end of the day, please go to your site at backend and see your result. You also can reposition the block Extra Field into the one you want in the Article Template.

After following this post, we hope that you can easily use this great feature of TZ Portfolio.

You can also see How to Add Extra Fields with K2 in this article:

How to Add Extra Fields with K2

Thanks so much for your reading :)

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