You are a blogger who is owning interesting blogs, you would like to create your profile image in TZ Portfolio. This will build and increase the number of visitors and readers coming to your blog or website

In addition, readers or visitors are also easy to search out your blogs in the simple way.

In today tutorial, we are glad to introduce you to How to set up Google Authorship in TZ Portfolio.
In order to add Google Authorship, you need:

1) You need to have your own blog or website
2) It is necessary for you to create Google Plus account/ profile
3) You have to have an "About us" or " About me" page on your site or blog

After you have enough 3 above requirements, you can easily follow to add Google Authorship with below steps.

Step 1:Google Plus Profile

You go to your profile on Google Plus. At the moment, you will see the digits from the address bar. That is your Google Profile ID.

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Step 2:Add Google Profile ID

When you have Google Profile ID, you will change "profile_url" with your Google Profile ID. You must have'?rel=author" parameter in your link. If you do not have, Google will be difficult to associate to your content.

You will edit user manager to be able to add image and change your information.


Step 3: Edit Contributor

Next you will edit the Contributor. In order to edit the Contributor, you will go to "About" in Google Plus.


After you click "About" in Google Plus Profile, you will see below Contributor as the below image.Finally, you will edit Contributor Links

anh contributor

Step 4:Complete To Set up Google Authorship

When you complete setting up your Google Authorship, you can go to this address to check what Author Google can extract from your page.

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You can see result for Google Search

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Google Authorship is an useful tool that helps you increase the number of visitor to your blog or website. It is also able to make your blog become more popular by searching on Google Search. I hope that above tutorial can be good for you in developing your website or blog.