TemPlaza templates are always updated after being launched for bug fixing, template improvement, additional features and compatibility with the latest version of Joomla. And one of the most common questions from our customers is how to complete this task.

This tutorial will cover the necessary steps and precautions involved with updating a Joomla! template from TemPlaza. Please follow step by step to keep your site up to date.

1. Preparation


We highly recommend, as the first step to any update or change to your site, that you perform a full backup. This work will ensure that no matter what happens with your site, it will be restored back to the first status. In addition, it helps you to save the custom file if there is some.

You can use Akeeba back-up tool. Here is the instructions for back-up process.


To have the latest version of the template in your computer, please go to the site you bought the template like TemPlaza.com or Envato.com, login with your account and download the latest version of the template.

After that, please extract the template package for convenience use.


An essential thing we should do is to check the change log to see what is updated. You can follow our website TemPlaza.Com or the site you bought to check the change logs. In most cases, the change logs of the template will be sent to the customer via the email right after the new version is released.

It should be noted that when updating a template, please update all the extensions included in the change logs.

For example:

To update the template Exception from version 1.3 to version 1.6, we can check the change logs from version 1.4 to 1.6 and update the entire changed files.

In this case, we need to update:

- The template: package_template.zip including the template and the Plazart Framework

- The TZ Portfolio component

- The modules: TZ Tabs, TZ Accordions, TZ Count, TZ Pricing


If you have made changes directly to the template files, you will need to take extra caution while updating. Any files changed by the update will likely overwrite any of these existing modifications. You should make a note of any and all of these changes so you can reapply them after the update.

2. Updating process

Now, all we need is available. Let’s start to update.

1. Please go to your site at the Joomla Administrator Panel. (yoursite/administrator)

2. Navigate to the Extension Manager.

3. Select Upload Package File.

4. Select the ZIP file (without unzipping).

5. Click Upload and Install.

Once this is done, a notice should appear indicating that the template has been successfully updated.

You can find the updated file in the folder ‘’module’’, ‘’component’’, ‘’plugin’’ and then upload them if included in the change logs.

3. The last steps

At this point, you should be able to test your site to see if there is any issue and operate as normal or not.

Last but not least, in case there is any customization in the template file, please change in the new template file of your site and check to see if there is any conflict or not.

And after updating the template, the configuration and the custom CSS added in the Custom CSS Code in the Template Settings still remains and there is no need to back it up.

In conclusion, updating template is a very essential task for your site. Therefore, please pay attention to the Update Information to make sure that the template in your site is never out of date.

In case there is any difficultly with the template, please contact us for help.

Thanks for reading!