Since version3.1.5 of TZ Portfolio, users can find another location for articles: Archives View.

Archives page, in the simplest way is the whereabouts containing archived articles. This is useful if you publish a lot of articles and there are ones that you still want to exhibit on the site but have been displaced in priority by new ones.


It can be said that archives page is the combination of timeline view and blog view. Besides being arranged time by time like a timeline page, archived items also inherit from the blog articles of display style as well as highlighted features such as: show comment count, show hit, show category, show date, vote...


2.Display archived articles in TZ Portfolio

Articles once archived will be seen via a menu item or a module.
Module TZ Archived Articles
This module allows displaying articles by date. If users want to find archived ones in any particular date, for example October 2013, please come to the module Archived Articles.

module archived



Menu item
The archived articles also can be viewed via a menu item. When users create a menu item for archived ones, they have 2 options.
The first one is to select menu item type : Archived Articles. For this, only items that has been picked out as archived before are shown in frontend without time arrangement.

menu item



The second option is to select menu item type : Date Articles. Using this option, users can put into view a number of archived articles arranged by time order by choosing one category or many categories.

date articles



3. The difference between Joomla Archived Articles View and TZ Portfolio Archives View

What makes this from TZ Portfolio different from that of Joomla is the appereance of a new view named Date Articles which shows items by date. This only exists when it comes to TZ Portfolio.


One more thing different comes from module. The way displaying items in frontend of two modules shows that.
Module Archived Articles from Joomla


Module TZ Portfolio Archived Articles


TZ Portfolio Archives View is really an advanced view for articles of both modern style and user-friendly options. Let's take TZ Portfolio and together see how your articles look with this view.